How it works

Idea Poop utilizes an almost patent-pending, two-step process to give entrepreneurs or ideators the sort of honest, brutal feedback needed to build a great business out of a good idea, or kill the stinky ideas before they can fester.


After you submit your idea, panelists review the idea (even though it will probably be a waste of their time). We award your idea a Poop Score, from 5 poops (your idea REALLY stinks) to 1 poops (hm, maybe you really do smell like roses after all).


Watch your mailbox. We'll send your Poop Score along with basic feedback that you may use to improve your score. Our feedback is friendly, yet firm.

Poop Scores are awarded on a scale of one (not too bad) to five (rancid).

  1. Blame the dog
  2. Leave the room
  3. Open a window
  4. Lingers. Forever.
Example of 3 1/2 Poop Score